Everytime Bukit Cherakah or Taman Cahaya Seri Alam is mentioned, it reminds me of an incident which I had experienced during my study years. It was way back in 1988, I was working on a standard 6 group project to do some research on the park. All 3 of us were riding a bicycle and when we reached at 'Taman Haiwan' suddenly my bike chain got out of it's place and to make things worse we were riding down the hill. So we were pretty fast and with the bike being out of control it was a nearly death experience to me. I was at the front and all of my friends were shouting at me to press the break. It was so fast and I thought I was gonna die if there was any vehicle coming up the hill. Suddenly I saw this tree, at that crucial moment I thought if I couldn't stop the bike, let the tree stop it. So I turned the bike and headed for the tree. It worked, I was saved by the tree....thank god...since then I never set my foot on the park until 'Today'...

After 21 years, here I am back to Taman Cahaya Seri Alam, parents, sisters and my family were having a trip to the park, just to spend weekend together. Somehow everything seems smaller and nearer. The ticket price is 3rm for adults and 1 rm for kids and elderlies. At first we were traveling on the bus, I was a bit puzzled of why there was no tour guide to inform on each park that we passed through. It went on till the end non stop. Finaly it stopped at the 4 seasons house and all the passangers got off. At this point still there was no words from the driver.
Queing up for the bus
We didn't go straight to the 4 seasons house, instead we had lunch picnic first. After finish eating and everybody is stuffed, we walked to the house. To enter the house, again we need to purchase a ticket, 3rm for adults and 1 rm for kids. It was so damn cold inside and the season is summer. Very nice view and quite packed with visitors. We managed to snap some photos and hurried out.
Just look at this niece of mine, and her high heels!
hmmm.. saya pun x penah sampai sini.. arituhs ada org cakap tutup [ adakah penipuan belaka? ] :P
Lah yer ker...actualy ok gak taman nih...tapi bleh dicantekkan dan dipromosikan lagi...
Oh goody u update ur blog.Sis coolkan our trip eventhough its the most tiring but yet a fun experience for me, its been a while I never work out like that..like forever.Me and bro's are planning to go skytrack soon same place Bukit Cherakah, wanna test our guts..so if u and "abang" wanna join feel free to call us k..the more the merrier.One more thing sis pls pls change the song Jason Miraz unplug pulak tu?so not cool. Y don't u put on compilation songs from oldies & evergreen its sure bring out memory & its more like u..i have a full library of it in my hard disc if u want..
Sky tracking?...don't think Abng Mie has the guts...hhehe...
Sure like to have the CDs...burn one for me kay!..
Thought so..u guyz chicken..pok pok pok (wings flapping)..
Nope naah lazy 2 burn & no CD. Come to mom's bring along ur children & thumbdrive I'll copy for you..k c u sis, keep on updating ur blog k..its kindda cool..big kiss muahhh!!!
Perrgghhh.. what a nightmare experience! seb baik selamatttt.. ko langgar pokok la yerr?
Taman cahaya .. errr, taman 4 musim tu ade lagik ekkk..
Tu lah pasal..ingatkan dah jadik sejarah jer taman nih...ropernyer still beroperasi...it is worth going..
ko tak jumpa lagi pokok keramat tu..ada lagi ke tidak pokok tu yek?
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