Date : 10th May 2009 (Mothers Day)
Venue : Parents’ house
We had secretly planned for this year’s Mothers Day celebration. Me and all my siblings. Gathered that Sunday Morning at my parents’ house complete with foods. We told Mom and Dad that the gathering was for Balqis (my niece) 2nd Birthday Celebration. Therefore we freely prepared what ever necessary without having them suspecting anything. Hehehe!
The event started at about 10.30 AM after confirming the absence of my siblings. I as the elders presented mom our special token of love and appreciation. As soon as mom saw it, she broke down in tears. It quickly caught me too. I put down the plaque and gave her hugs and kisses followed by the rest of my brothers and sisters. It was so tears dropping and heart touching moments that will always be long remembered and cherished. My mom got so deeply touched for she had never seen it coming.
1. Nasi Lemak
2. Macaroni Bakar
a. Seafood
b. Beef
3. Fried Bee Hoon
4. Fruits and Ice Cream for desserts
It should be more but sadly three of my siblings could not make it. They had unforeseen family matters. So only left me as the elders huhuhu…
“Happy Mother’s Day, from your ever loving children”
How hard it is to start with a word Thank You,
for it is beyond Thank You that we wish you to see,
from day one we couldn’t have done it without you,
for you’ve brought us up unconditionally.
Forgive us at giving birth, from all the suffering and pain,
we vow, god given……. for all of that will never ever come again.
Sometimes we wonder how you did it, but then of course there’s dad. Forgive us for being silly children, for sometimes we’ve made you mad.
We love you for the moment we’ve past asleep on your lap and you are always there
to guide us through,
with our very first steps..
Love the moment that you have spent, feeding us food with your very hand,
you’ve nursed us when we’re sick and made sure we’re well again.
For this memory will never fade and will never be forgotten.
Mom, be assured all this, are being passed down to your grandchildren.
Mom, you’ve given us protection, please do give us your blessings..
For us it became our motivation, to survive and carry on living.
Your love to us is our virtue, you’ve been created for a reason.
May Allah always love you, like you always love your children.
After the sobbing and wiping tears session were done, we continued with the second agenda of the day. Our niece 2nd Birthday Celebration.
There are so many great memories that I would love to share but if I do, Blogspot would be out of disk space!. Anyway, there is this one that is forever fresh in my mind.
I was a 4 year old toddler at that time and my late great grand mother was looking after me while mom out working. Somehow I fell down in some drain and injured myself. Actually it was not that bad, just a few cuts and bruisers on my knees. Still managed to walk though. I remembered that time that I got so scared of getting hurt more if I move my legs. I thought I was gonna die if I walk. So my late great grandmother carried me home. I stayed in bed the whole day not daring to move my legs even an inch.
Until mom got home that evening. Mom persuaded me to get up and walk but I didn’t wanna. I remembered mom tried so many things to lure me out from the bed. Eventually I agreed to get up after Mom said that she wanted to go out sight seeing and I will be left alone. So with much careful, I moved my legs and to my surprise it didn’t hurt at all, just felt a bit numb. Mom was right all along, I didn’t die. We went out that evening and I think we passed along some fun fare and for the first time I got to see a live Elephant in front of my eyes.
So there it was. A little episode of me and mom. I believe everyone must have these kind of small memories that would never fade away throughout your whole life. My advise, keep it.
So there it was. A little episode of me and mom. I believe everyone must have these kind of small memories that would never fade away throughout your whole life. My advise, keep it.

To my beloved mom,
There is no velvet so soft as your lap, no rose as lovely as your smile,
no path so flowery as that imprinted with your footsteps
Your arms were always open when I needed a hug.
Your heart understood when I needed a friend.
Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson.
Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.
Love you so much!
There is no velvet so soft as your lap, no rose as lovely as your smile,
no path so flowery as that imprinted with your footsteps
Your arms were always open when I needed a hug.
Your heart understood when I needed a friend.
Your gentle eyes were stern when I needed a lesson.
Your strength and love has guided me and gave me wings to fly.
Love you so much!
wargghhh meriahnyer sambutan mother day Aleyns sekeluarga! Sejuk perut ak aleyn mengandung anak2 sentiasa ingat jasa dan pengorbanan diaorang yekkk!
Alhamdulillah, adik beradik sumer dok dekat..blehlah gather selalu.......Bukan aper pun plaque kalu nak compare ngan pengorbanan ibu kan...
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