The morning was drizzling so of course the traffic was damn slow. After an hour later I reached Cyberjaya, the time showing its almost 9.30am. Suddenly after reaching MMU, the traffic became slow again. It never jams in Cyber, so I thought to myself there must be an accident ahead.
I was right, there was an accident, a fatal one by looking at all the police cars and fire trucks. But I didn't see any ambulance so I guess there was no fatality. So I drove slowly and when I reached nearer I could see there were two vehicles involved. One is the Orange Gen2 the other is a black Iswara if I'm not mistaken.
Managed to snap some pictures from inside the car. Sorry kabur sket...

The Gen2 looks like it just been put out of fire
I drove ahead and parked safely in the Prudential parking lot. Got the bag and notebook and went outside back where the accident took place. Alang-alang dah lambat pun...biarlah lambat betul...
As I stood near these ladies, I noticed that they were sobbing and heard one of them saying "Kita biasa nak keta dia...dia tak pernah pun pandu lajukan...sob..sob". Hearing this I got the feeling that the ill fated driver could be a malay lady. It made me feel even more down that morning...
That day in the office, I kept thinking of the driver of that Gen2, the driver of the other car is actualy a Prudential staff. A chinese lady, she broke her leg and got rushed to the hospital nearby.
Only later that evening I got the detail info from my office mate through Notes IM. She also got disturbed with the accident. It is true, the driver of the Gen2 was a 27 year old Malay lady working at the Cyber Lodge View. She died after couldn't get out of the burning car. She was trying to overtake a car infront of her and in the process the car skidded to the devider and causing the car to be out of control before hitting the Black Iswara. It thumbeled few times across the road and quickily caught on fire.
The sad thing is that she was still alive when the car was in flame. She couldn't open the front door so she slipped to the back seat. Still she got trapped in her own car. And yet nobody I mean nobody step in to help her. The road is always buzy with cars and somebody must have seen her striving for her life. But too damn scared to help. By the time the fire trucks reached the area, she was long gone. Leaving a husband and a 6 month old infant. My friend had known this by one of the witness herself. Whom feeling guilty of not giving a hand. Rasa cam nak nangis jer masa chatting tuh....orang depan pun tengok kita dok ler kesat-kesat air mata...
My friend also told me that the husband managed to come to the scene that morning. As I looked back at the pictures I took, there was one picture with a man sitting on the grass covering his face and looked like crying. This could be the husband of the Gen2 driver. I feel so sad for him....with the Ramadhan coming and then Hari Raya...It must be meaningless to him from now on...I just pray for him to be strong and continue taking care of the only thing that his late wife left behind..the baby.