So here how it went...
Saturday (First Day) :
She woke up for Sahur with excitement...ate very little though, actualy she just had a bite of fried rice and a glass of orange juice. Guess she's not used to having a meal so early...heheh
By 10am,
We all woke up ...hehe (it's holiday ok)...
Aina : Mama nak minum...
Me : Ha!...Aina kan puasa...puasa cannot drink and eat anything sayang....
Aina : (With a sad face)....hummm...ok lah...
By 10.30am,
Aina : Mama Aina blom amik vitamin lagi...(bagi alasan nak makan lah tuh)
Me : Aina...vitamin pun tak bleh makan...lepas buka nanti baru aina amik 2 yer.....
Aina : Ala...(nearly crying)
Me : (Feeling she realy that hungry?...nevermind a bit more time..)
By 11.30am,
Aina : Mama ...Lapar lah Ma...Aina nak makan...uhuk...uhuk...(Crying slowly around me....far from her Dad...huhu
Me : (Decided to go slowly on her fasting practice....Sian sangat tengok anak sendiri merayu mintak makan....tak bleh tahan ok...) Oklah...ari ni Aina puasa half day yer...kol 12 Aina buka puasa...ok tak? Kejap lagiii jer...cuba tengok jam tuh...
Aina : Looking at the clock...and with a shining and noded....but still crying softly....
By 12pm,
She broke her fast with a slice of french toast..a drink and a sweets....(bukan banyak pun makan nyer... tak berbaloi bukak poser tau....)
Sunday (Second Day) :
This time Sahur, she didn't wanna wake up...(puas dah kejut..tak nak gak..) Looking at her sleeping very soundly, Abang said let her be.....
By 6am,
Suddenly she woke up after got disturbed by the sound of me doing dishes....
Aina : Mama tak kejutkan Aina sahur yer...
Me : (I thought she didn't I tipu sunat kat dia) Tak lah...sekarang ni tengah sahurlah....Mama ngan Abah dah makan tadi....tunggu Aina jer...Aina nak makan aper?
Aina : Apa yang ader Ma?
Me : (Lauk dah habis sebenornyer...uhuk..) hmmm...ader bread, ader kek (kek gulung beli kat bazar ramadhan semalamnyer)...ader Quaker Oat...
Aina : Aina nak roti bakar lagi lah sangat....(Memang dia suka sangat ngan roti bakar semenjak dua menjak nih)
Me : Ok...nanti Mama buatkan yer...(She consumed 3 slices of french toast that morning)
By 11am,
Started persuading me to let her break her fast....(kejap kejap bukak fridge..kejap kejap bukak fridge....tapi dia tak curik makan....tu yang bagusnyer...hehe)
This time I made up a plan for her and she agrees ....
The plan goes like this,
Me : Semalam Aina bukak puasa kol 12 kan...ari ni Aina buka pukul 1 plak nak....esok kat school Aina buka kol 2...pastu kol 3.....pastu kol 4 ....pastu kol 5...pastu kol 6...last sekali saaaampai Azan....kol 7....ok tak?
Aina : Okkkayy....(I said in my mind ..... nak makan punyer pasal.....okkay ajer!..)
Monday(Third Day),
Prepared Sardin and Telur Dadar...(sahur kitorang memang simple sangat...abang kater janji masuk perut dah...sebab abang memang tak bleh nak selera sangat makan pagi no senang banyaklah ...heehehe)
She ate quite much this time becoz Sardin is her favourite dish....feel a bit relief looking her eating more this time. Knowing that she won't feel hungry easily at school....since she'll only break her fast at per agreement...hehhe
I told the teacher about the plan but informed the teacher to let her eat if she realy hungry or looking weak....
That evening, as I fetched the children at school, she was outside playing (in my mind i said...ok she must have bukak puasa at 2 ....segar jer nampak)...Once inside the car I asked her..
Me : Aina puasa tak ari nih?
Aina : Puasa...Aina tak makan pun lagi....
Me : (Little shocked) Ha...naper tak makan lagi...kata nak bukak puasa kol 2...?
Aina : Aina tak nak makan...sebab belum Azan ...
Me : Aik...Aina tak lapar ker?
Aina : Tak lah....
Me : A bit disbelief...but proud ...
At home, she told her dad that she is fasting full day....Abang said...yer ker...macam tak caya jer....segor jer Abah nampak...
That evening she ate a whole lot during brake fast...I guess she really was fasting....I am so proud of her....
Tuesday(Fourth Day),
I asked the teacher how was she yesterday. The teacher said she really didn't wanna eat....she and another girl..her best friend Aisya. They always do everything together ....if one fast the other would fast too.....i guess this Aisya girl has becoming Aina's bff....hahaha...
So it went on Wednesday, Thursday and today (Friday).....all full day fasting...quite incredible isn't it....that's my girl...
At home during the weekend, i bet she'll fast according to the agreement .....i guess at home she cannot resist the sweets stock in the fridge....hehehe
Tengah sahur ...suka sangat french toast...isi kaya pun jadik...

Waktu berbuka....time paling heppy...tengoklah gayanyer tuh....energetic walaupun poser....adiknyer dapat potato chip ...khusyuk giler...tak pandang dah lauk lain
Buka ari tuh...Aina nasi lemak, Mamanyer laksa jer...(jaga badan..heheh)...abahnyer
nasi campur... yg lain tu biasa biasa jer...kuih muih, cendol...dan oh ya...kurma (Yusof Tayyoob)..hahaha...